Monday, November 24, 2008


P.E.T Scans!! Pet Scans!! Yay, Yay, Yay. Here's for PET Scans where the

"P" definitely does not stand for positive*
"E" stands for EXCELLENT - "news could not be better"
"T" stands for Thomas F. Johnston who at this time is completely CANCER FREE.

WOO HOO!! Way to go Tommy J. Thanks to everyone for the love and support. This was the news we were waiting for!

Love J

*as in positive results - which would have been bad. Instead results were negative, which is really good/no cancer!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


On Monday of this week (the 17th) Tom had his post-treatment PET Scan which is a test to see if all the cancer is gone. As previously posted, his initial exams checked to ensure that the localized cancer cells were gone and so far, so good. Now, these PET scan results will let us know if they caught the throat cancer before it had the chance to spread and if it did spread, that the chemo administered this summer got rid of it.

We are anxiously awaiting results which should be available later this week. This is it. I'll keep you posted. Send good thoughts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America in Love

Smitten, I'd say. Hurray!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tiny Steps

So far so good on the post-treatment assessment news. Tom has had a couple of exams where his doctors have let him know that they are optimistic that they got all the cancer! Now, as much as I want to jump out of my seat on this.........the PET scan (definitive test to identify cancer cells) is not until the end of the month. Keep hoping, praying, and doing the anti-cancer dance until then, okay?

For now, though, a big sigh of relief that it looks good and our one-and-only TJM is feeling good, starting to eat more, and concentrating on putting his life back together after the hell that was this summer.

HOPE HOPE HOPE until late November!! AND while we're at it, let's HOPE HOPE HOPE that tomorrow's election gets our super-candidate Barry H. Obama elected! I want to know now!!

Good luck dems (and smart reps and smart swingers) - and good luck Tom - November is a big month!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's Next

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make it to Boston for a while (even a recent trip to Marshfield didn't allow the time to make it the 40 minutes north...) so I feel very out of touch. Hardly one who should be posting - more like someone who is relying on these posts to stay up to date. Since I've been on the out of touch side, though, I definitely realize how important it is to keep the information flowing. Thanks Tom for the updates, they are great.

As for an update today here's what's up - on Thursday (tomorrow) Tom will go in for scans to ensure that the treatments this summer did the trick. We'll get results on those early next week. So, do a little dance, say a little prayer, wave a little wand - whatever works for you - to make sure we get a good report & clean scans next week. I once performed a hex on Courtney Love with a knot from my hair and some maple syrup to "make her go away." That was in 1992 after a god-awful show at the Rat. Everyone knows what happened after that, so clearly I've got to come up with some new magic this time.......

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Though the leaves are starting to change, it feels like Indian Summer, and it just occurred to me that I haven't posted for a while.

What a turbulent few weeks it has been in the world! It seems like all of our realities have pivoted, and I hope that all of you, my friends, are weathering this as well as possible. I hope, too, to speak with many of you and get your insights. There has been so much going on that I'm not sure that I can fully appreciate any of it. The bankruptcy of Iceland???

My health:
Healing has progressed in the past few weeks, and, aside from the last few days, I have been making in-roads with soft foods (eggs, oatmeal, etc.)...I got some flu this week which impeded my progress since the most annoying feature was that it made me cough till I threw up. It last for days and I got so depleted that I ended up in the ER last night having to get my fluids replenished. NO FUN. And, worst of all, I missed Nick Flynn's reading in Lowell. I also missed the chance of going with Drew to witness his driving test. UGH.

The flu seems to be falling away now and I am eager to get backing in the practice of eating (the radiation in my throat was catalyst of an all-liquid diet) --- I have a long list of foods I am dying to get back to...curiously, toast seems to be at the top of the list.

Old friends Donna Estes and her husband, Tad, are in Boston on October 23 for a few days, so, mark your calendars...


I had high hopes for the TV ON THE Radio album and got it the second it was available, but don't love it. I am liking new Jenny Lewis "Acid Tongue"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Mass Ave Bus

Who ever thought that the image of the #1 bus could bring with it comfort and joy? I was thrilled tonight to get a phone call from Tommy. Not only was his voice coming through loud and clear, but he also revealed that he was on the Mass Ave bus headed to the CVS to pick up a few things. The next thing I know he'll be calling me while traipsing around the Star Market looking for pecan sandies, just like old times. "Dollface? Can I pick you up a pack of salmon roulettes??? Cranberry spritzers are on sale........." Once I hear that old sing-songy ring and a few "oh shits" I'll know we're officially back in business.